We're delighted to announce that we have partnered with Irish detailing & car care suppliers, detailingemporium.comDetailingemporium.com are online distributors and retailers of high quality automotive detailing products and are a perfect
fit with Trackdays.ie and our audience of performance car enthusiasts.
Based in Swords, Co Dublin, Detailing Emporium are stockists of top brands such as Bilt Hamber, Collinite, Dodo Juice, Grit guard, Mammoth, Menzerna, Poorboys World, Race glaze, Stoner Invisible Glass & Valet pro. Whether you're looking for basic microfibers or high-end waxes and polishes they have it all.
Trackdays.ie customers can avail of an exclusive 10% discount on everything online at detailingemporium.com - simply use discount code: TRACKDAY10 at the checkout
Detailing Emporium will be present at select Trackdays.ie events throughout 2018 with a range of product available to purchase as well as expert advice
For more info and to browse their range of products see www.detailingemporium.com