Trackdays.ie #TD03 Image Gallery
Our third trackday at Mondello Park on March 20th 2017 was was a little quieter than our previous days, which in some respects was a welcome change. The racing season kicked off the day before and took a few of our regular racers away, it was St Patrick's weekend, which took a few more and there were a two track days (Autoheroes & Octane) prior to ours, so we have to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of our customers both new and old who took a chance on the unpredictable weather and joined us and made #TD03 another great track day!
I don't think we will ever be as lucky with the weather again. After what seems like weeks of non-stop rain we had a dry, albeit cold track from the get-go. Immediately after the afternoon briefing we got a 5 minute hail storm but within ten minutes the track was almost bone dry again! It stayed dry, crisp and sunny for the afternoon and then at exactly 5.28 just 2 minutes before the track closed, the heavens opened once again!
We had a great mix of cars as you can see from the gallery below, many familiar and many not, as we continue to attract new converts to the track day scene. This is something we're absolutely delighted to see and a trend that we will be working hard to develop!
Images are with thanks to our official photographer brianwalshphotos.com For hi-res, non-watermarked please contact Brian directly via his website or facebook page. For large scale canvas prints please contact Darran at 99RedBalloons.ie
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