Track Day FAQ's
Time to read 8 min
Time to read 8 min
What is a track day?
A track day is a non-competitive event which enables you to bring your road or track car on a race circuit and explore its performance in a safe, controlled and professional environment. It is not a race, there is no timing and there is no competition, it's purely for fun. Driver etiquette and attitude are hugely important at a track day and there is no close or aggressive overtaking. Driving is monitored closely with poor or dangerous driving being dealt with swiftly.
How do I book my track day?
Go to the Booking page and simply choose either the full day, half day or single session options. We also list all our other events in this section such as driving tours, coffee mornings and trackdays at other circuits.
Do I need to be an experienced track driver?
Absolutely not. Trackdays.ie cater for all levels of driving ability from novices to experienced race drivers. Should I book track day Tuition? At the moment we're trialling free tuition. it's often said that the best investment you will ever make when it comes to track days or racing isn't on engine upgrades, new anti-roll bars or those expensive 6 pot calipers you've had your eye on, it's in yourself. Driver coaching, track day tuition or whatever you want to call it, is without doubt the best value for money you can get when it comes to going faster on track.
What do I need to bring?
Really all you need is yourself and your driving licence but there are a number of things you might like to bring that can help you get the most out of your day. Our beginners guide to track days goes into that in detail.
Do I need a helmet?
You are required to wear a helmet but you can hire one at the track for €30.00 with a €20 refundable deposit
Do I need a licence?
Yes, you need your normal driving licence. Without it you cannot go on track. (we really do mean it, so don't forget it!) You need a full driving licence or current competition licence, unfortunately a provisional licence isn't accepted
What happens on the day? The typical format of one of our track days is as follows:
How much track time will I get?
That largely depends on you. There is a maximum of 6 1/2 hours of track time available on a full day. In theory you can stay on track the whole time, not that we'd recommend it! Your car and your body certainly wouldn't thank you for it! Situations that shorten the available track time are when incidents occur, such as when an individual spins their car and ends up in a gravel trap. If this happens and the car is in an unsafe position we will be forced to red flag the session so that we can recover the car. So in short, drive within your limits, keep it on the black stuff and you'll get more time on track.
What is a second driver?
Second drivers share the same car as the primary driver. Bringing a second driver is a great way to learn from each other as both primary and secondary drivers can go on track as passengers with each other. It's also a lot more fun when you've got your mate with you! You can book second drivers in advance here or you can pay on the day.
Can I bring a passenger?
Yes passengers are €20 and all passengers must be signed on & have a wrist band. Only one passenger is allowed in the car on track at any one time. Passengers must be over 18 years of age and must also wear a helmet.
Can I bring spectators?
Yes you can bring as many spectators as you like but they must respect the rules of the circuit and Trackdays.ie. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times and are not allowed on the pit lane or on the pit wall.
How many cars are allowed on the track at any one time?
At Mondello Park the maximum number of cars allowed on track at any one time is 36 (on the International circuit). This allows plenty of space on track.
What happens if i'm late or if I forget my licence?
If you're late we'll do our best to sign you on and get you through a safety briefing so you can go out on track. If you forget your licence you'll have to go home and get it. You will not be allowed on track without your licence.
What if the weather is bad?
The track will not close unless the weather is extreme or there is excessive standing water. The idea of the track day is to work with the conditions of the track and to develop the relevant skills. Driving the circuit in the wet is completely different to the dry and can be great fun, you'll also get a lot less wear and tear on your car.
What's an open pit lane?
At Trackdays.ie we always aim to run an open-pit lane. Basically what this means is that the day is not split into sessions or groups. You can go out on track when ever you like, and stay out for as long as you like. An open pitlane gives you maximum flexibility and is great fun - but remember, give yourself and your car a break! Most people find that 20 minutes is generally long enough on track without a break. Remember the longer you stay out on the track, the hotter everything is going to get. We'd always recommend a cool down lap at the end of your session to help keep brake and engine temperatures under control.
Do I need insurance in case of an accident?
If you wish to take out special insurance for the track day some UK based insurers can offer this in Ireland. If you have an accident, neither trackdays.ie nor the circuit operator will be liable. You will need to sort matters out directly with the driver of the other vehicle.
What if I can’t make it on the day?
Let us know at least 48 hours prior to the event and we will refund or transfer your booking to a future date. Cancellations within 48 hours of the event will not be refunded or transferred.
What happens if I spin or keep running off the circuit?
Firstly if you spin off, you need to make sure you re-join the track in a safe manner, ensuring that there are no other cars coming. You must then come into the pits immediately and report to the pitlane marshal. If you don't you will be black flagged. We need to check your car is ok before you can continue. We may also want to discuss your error and note your wrist band number. If you spin again you may be excluded from the remainder of the day at the discretion of the Chief instructor. A spinning car puts yourself and others at risk. The second point relates to running off the circuit or exceeding the track limits, ie crossing the white lines at the edge of the track. The rules here are simple: Don't do it!
Black Flags:
Black flags can be shown to a car for a wide variety of reasons such as dangerous driving, driving beyond your ability, mechanical defect, drifting, racing, overtaking on the wrong side or in the corners, noise limit breach.
If your car is shown a black flag for any reason you must report to the pitlane marshal at the control tower immediately and he will explain the issue. if your car receives a second black flag, your day is over and you will not be allowed back on track.
Decisions by circuit staff are final with no right of appeal against any penalty or right to review evidence. If track limits regulations are abused, especially in a repeated and/or deliberate manner Trackdays.ie will exclude both the car and driver individually without refund or compensation.
What are the overtaking rules?
Common sense and the right attitude apply when it comes to overtaking. A track day is not a race and as such overtaking is by mutual consent only and must only take place on the left hand side, on the straights. There must be no overtaking in the braking zones or in the corners.
What sort of tyre wear can I expect?
Obviously this will depend on both the weather and your driving style. The harder you drive the harder it will be on your tyres. In the rain it will be difficult to wear out a set of tyres regardless of how much sliding you do. In the dry however the wear rate will be higher. Driving within your limits will help to keep the tyre wear in check. As with many things there's a price to pay for over exuberance!
Is my car suitable?
Yes, it probably is. It's a common misconception that you need a fast, flashy or modified car to take part in a track day. Not so - Your 1 litre Micra is just as welcome as a Radical or 458 Italia. In fact one of the main reasons we set up Trackdays.ie was to encourage new participants into the sport. Most cars are welcome at trackdays.ie events as long as they meet safety and noise requirements. As a general rule, you car needs to be of NCT standard. Seatbelts, brakes, tyres, indicators and lights all need to work.
If I damage my car in an accident, who will pay?
Although track day accidents are rare, if you decide to take your car on to a track, you must be aware that you are accepting the risk. By booking to take part you have already agreed to this. You will also be required to sign a further declaration at each event. This is usual on any track day. The owners of circuit, Trackdays.ie or any other person or company cannot be held responsible, even if an accident is not your fault. Your road going insurance policy will not cover you for a track day. There are a number of providers of Track day Insurance online
Can we use the day for race testing with timing equipment?
We've no objection to teams / individuals using track days for a test or shakedown of a new car for example, as long as they understand they have to operate under the same rules as everyone else. Competition or practicing though is strictly forbidden.
What should I wear?
Your arms, body and legs should all be covered, so no shorts and no T shirts. With regards to shoes, just wear whatever you normally wear to drive your car. Helmets must be worn at all times. Racing gloves are also a good idea but not essential. Occupants of cars that do not have full windscreens should wear full face helmets or suitable eye protection.